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VR@Polito: the virtual reality initiative of Politecnico di Torino – the experience of the Virtual tour for foreign student
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Holo-BLSD – A holographic tool for self-training and self-evaluation of emergency response skills
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Automatic recognition of sport events from spatio-temporal data: An application for virtual reality-based training in basketball
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Asteroid Escape: A serious game to foster teamwork abilities
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Robotic gaming and user interaction: Impact of autonomous behaviors and emotional features
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Mobile robot-based exergames for navigation training and vestibular rehabilitation
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Designing interactive robotic games based on mixed reality technology
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RobotQuest: A robotic game based on projected mixed reality and proximity interaction
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A participative system for tactics analysis in sport training based on immersive virtual reality
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A movement analysis system based on immersive virtual reality and wearable technology for sport training