VR@POLITO demoing training in VR with KUKA at the 2019 Maker Faire in Rome

VR@POLITO demoing training in VR with KUKA at the 2019 Maker Faire in Rome

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VR@POLITO demoing training in VR with KUKA at the 2019 Maker Faire in Rome

VR@POLITO demoing training in VR with KUKA at the 2019 Maker Faire in Rome

The VR@POLITO will be present at the Politecnico di Torino stand of the 2019 Maker Faire in Rome (October 18-20), showcasing demonstrators and presentations on the activities in the fields of industrial and service robotics. 

Researchers and faculty at Politecnico di Torino are engaged in conducting and supervising research in many fields of robotics and intelligent machines. 

The center for service robotics Pic4Ser, directed by Prof. Chiaberge, develops service robots for many applications, with a main focus on precision agriculture. The drone group, directed by Prof. Guglieri and Rizzo, researches on the safe navigation and applications of drone technology in urban environment. The group directed by Prof. Indri deals with industrial manipulators and cutting-edge techniques for advanced applications. The group directed by Prof. Caputo is involved in wearable devices and action recognition.

The VR@POLITO is carrying out many research activities in which Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies are used in combination with robotic solutions. At the event, prof. Lamberti and his collaborators will present in particular a Virtual Reality-based training system that is being developed in collaboration with KUKA.

For more information, please check the website of the faire at https://2019.makerfairerome.eu/en/exhibitors/?ids=1188.


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