Virtual and Augmented Reality for Emergency Management

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Emergency Management

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Virtual and Augmented Reality for Emergency Management

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Emergency Management

On October 10, 2019, prof. Fabrizio Lamberti and prof. Andrea Bottino, from the Department of Control and Computer Engineering of Politecnico di Torino and the VR@POLITO laboratory and Prof. Pier Luigi Ingrassia from Università del Piemonte Orientale – SIMNOVA will give a speech on Virtual and Augmented Reality for Emergency Management in the context of the “UOMO VIRTUALE. Corpo, Mente, Cyborg” exhibition hosted at Mastio della Cittadella, Torino.

The speakers will introduce the outcomes of three projects that well represent the activities that the VR@POLITO is carrying out in collaboration with SIMNOVA, the Interdepartmental Center for Innovative Learning and Simulation in Medicine and Health Professions as well as with other institutions and companies.

In particular, through the FrejusVR tool, developed by the Department of Control and Computer Engineering of Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with LINKS Foundation and SITAF Spa, it will be shown how virtual reality can help to study the behavior of road tunnel users during a fire emergency. Then, speakers will introduce Holo-BLSD, an augmented reality application designed to support the teaching of first-aid procedures to laid users by integrating a traditional, physical mannequin with computer-generated content simulating the surrounding context the emergency is taking place into. Finally, it will be shown how virtual reality can help emergency operators to effectively manage major incidents and disasters.

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