Dynamic Integrated ShopfLoor Operation Management for Industry 4.0


Dynamic Integrated ShopfLoor Operation Management for Industry 4.0


The DISLOMAN “Dynamic Integrated ShopfLoor Operation Management for Industry 4.0” project (October 2016 – October 2019) is supported by Regione Piemonte under the ban “Piattaforma Tecnologica – Fabbrica intelligente”.

The consortium includes Santer Reply (coordinator), 7 industrial partner (which provides the use case represented by one of its factories and related requirements), 3 research and development bodies and 19 external partners providing hardware and software. Politecnico di Torino, will be responsible for the research activities to provide, BIM models that can be used with Virtual Reality tools in a structural and energy environment.
The DISLO-MAN project provides for the realization an ICT platform able to manage integrated and dynamic production operations, characterized by a high level of automation to guarantee the optimization of the resources.


Specifically, the platform allows the integration of various IoT technologies to the current management and production system of the factories. Therefore, the use of the BIM Model, on one hand, will allow retrieving and cataloging all the geometric and alphanumeric information of both the single building and the production line. Furthermore, through the Virtual and Augmented Reality, innovative solutions for maintenance, structural prevention and the hypothesis of new scenarios of energy efficiency of the entire plant.

The reduction of human errors and possible energetic / structural overloads of the factory are possible thanks to the use of VR, as a predictive tool.



Project Coordinator:

Other Partners:

  • Agile Lab
  • A.O.U Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino
  • A.O.U. Maggiore della
  • A.O.U. San Luigi
  • Augeos
  • Caretek
  • Carità
  • Celi
  • Consoft Sistemi
  • Cooperativa Sociale
  • Experientia
  • Fondazione Don Carlo
  • Fullbrand
  • Gnocchi Onlus
  • H&S Qualità nel Software
  • Infologic
  • L’altra Idea
  • Libre Società Cooperativa
  • Panacea
  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Puzzle
  • Santer Reply
  • SSB Progetti
  • Tesi
  • Università degli Studi di Torino

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